
Khan Academy on a Stick

Negative number basics

What is a "negative number"? What happens when I add or subtract one of these? If you come to this tutorial armed with the basics of adding an subtracting numbers, you'll learn about what happens in the world below zero! You will learn what negative numbers are and how we can add and subtract them.

Adding and subtracting negative numbers

You understand that negative numbers represent how far we are "below zero". Now you are ready to add and subtract them! In this tutorial, we will explain, give examples, and give practice adding and subtracting negative numbers. This is a super-important concept for the rest of your mathematical career so, no pressure, learn it as well as you can!

Multiplying and dividing negative numbers

It is starting to dawn on you that negative numbers are incredibly awesome. So awesome that you are feeling embarrassed to think how excited you are about them! Well, the journey is just beginning. In this tutorial we will think about multiplying and dividing numbers throughout the number line!

Absolute value

You'll find absolute value absolutely straightforward--it is just the "distance from zero". If you have a positive number, it is its own absolute value. If you have a negative number, just make it positive to get the absolute value. As you see as you develop mathematically, this idea will eventually extended to more contexts and dimensions, so super important that you understand this core concept now.